How log-log analyses can make interactions appear from nowhere (Or mask them so that they are missed)!

First, let's generate some random data...

rng(1); % Set the random number generator for consistency.
Mu = [93,107]; % Variable X1 will have a mean of 93, X2 will have a mean of 107.
Sigma = [50,-45;-45,50]; % Define the covariance matrix.
N = 1440; % Set the numbert of data points.
X = mvnrnd(Mu,Sigma,N); % Call the random number generator.
X1 = X(:,1); % Split the result in variable X1.
X2 = X(:,2); % Split the result in variable X2.

Here we mean split the data (in a fancy way) to make 2 groups...

One group will be coloured red (the "Red" group), the other will be coloured blue (the "Blu" group). The fanciness involves a singular value decomposition. This ensures the split is vertical will respect to the regression line rather than being vertical with respect to either X1 or X2.
% Run a singular value decomposition to describe the data with 2 parameters rather than 4...
% ... That is, characterise the data as laying along a single line so that we can mean split
% points and colour them appropriately.
[U,S,V] = svd(X);
Selector = U(:,2) > mean(U(:,2)); % Select the points above the mean of the 2nd left singular value..
% N.B. As the data are not mean centred, the 1st singular value will reflect the mean.
Colours = [ones(N,1).*Selector,zeros(N,1),ones(N,1).*~Selector];

Find the Betas describing the relationship between X1 and X2 for each group separately...

Betas_Red_PreLog = pinv([ones(sum(Selector),1),X1(Selector)]) * X2(Selector);
Betas_Blu_PreLog = pinv([ones(sum(~Selector),1),X1(~Selector)]) * X2(~Selector);
% Compute the normalised difference between slopes (Red-Blu)...
SlopeDiff_PreLog = Betas_Red_PreLog(2) - Betas_Blu_PreLog(2);

Plot the data before applying the log-log transform...

hold on;
% Red:
% Blu:
% Disply the difference in slopes:
text(85,130,sprintf('Red slope = %f%cBlu slope = %f;%cSlope difference = %f;',...

Now log transform the data...

lX1 = log(X1);
lX2 = log(X2);
% Find the betas again;
Betas_Red_PostLog = pinv([ones(sum(Selector),1),lX1(Selector)])*lX2(Selector);
Betas_Blu_PostLog = pinv([ones(sum(~Selector),1),lX1(~Selector)])*lX2(~Selector);
% Compute the normalised difference between slopes (Red-Blu)...
SlopeDiff_PostLog = Betas_Red_PostLog(2) - Betas_Blu_PostLog(2);

Plot the data after applying the log-log transform...

hold on;
% High:
% Low:
text(4.25,4.4,sprintf('Red slope = %f%cBlu slope = %f;%cSlope difference = %f;',...